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- 4thUnknown for their armors. Armors of the Velothi is insanely good as well as the Dwemer armor.
- ✅ aers has 5 mods up, and I have 4 of them installed.
- AgentW
- Alandtse
- Allonsywisegirl (Now SassiestAssassin) mods for the Khajiit caravans, Argonians, and Orcs – sadly most of them have been moved to her Tumblr for now, but are still available and awesome.
- AndrealphusVII – I also really like their mods in general (I don’t use all of them but most).
- Arctal for Conduits/Spellforge. Every single mod this guy has made is special
- Avebrave – The best bling on the nexus. Fight me.
- Billyro for me I know it’s simple but, I don’t know where else to get realistic arms of that quality.
- Chesko
- CHIMgarden Seriously, download all of their NPC-related animation mods. ALL OF THEM.
- Darenii‘s spell packs – All balanced and scaled with vanilla and able to be used with other perk mods. Designed to fit perfectly with Simonrim (or just on their own). Lots of new themed stuff for fun variety.
- Doodlum Anything by them pretty much.
- DrJacopo is pretty close. Ever since SnowFall ENB and NLVA on classic.
- DrJacopo for plants and weather stuff
- DrJacopo 3d plant replacers for 2d vanilla plants
- Dtry release banger after banger
- Elianora house mods are all amazing. Even if I can only live in a few houses per playthrough, I love having them.
- ElSopa is kinda it for me. I love their textures.
- ElSopa for retextures and remeshes
- EnaiSiaion
- Ershin for sure.
- Ershin just download all of their mods. They’re fkin revolutionary, in my eyes at least.
- Ershin – game changing mods
- Ershin – phenomenal
- Ershin
- Ershin – I have a few, but that’s the most important one definitely. Can’t live without their stuff.
- Everglaid – EVGAT, Sirenroot, Modular SMP hairstyles, EVG Conditional IDles. She’s a treasure for sure.
- FrankBlack, I especially like his Base Object Swapper mods.
- FunkyGandalf with all of his Souls-like inspired weapons. No crafting, no leveled list. Just unique weapons with immersive ways to obtain. No boring way to upgrade/temper. Super high-quality mesh and texture. Still waiting for him to unhide/update Leviathan Axe…
- Fuse00 – Armor Additions (check Patreon, more mods and all free there)
- Fuse00 – Best armor and hair mods out there.
- GGUNIT – Lux, complex materials, beautiful
- GGUnit – possibly the best lighting mods with patches for most, if not all of the JK’s mods
- iimlenny recently. Their textures look so real.
- JaySerpa
- JKrojmal‘s “JK’s” series.
- JobiWanUK I like many of their mods especially the Old People mods, the Kid mod, Jed, Chico, etc.
- JohnSkyrim How could people forget about the classic
- kasala123
- Kittytail for spells
- Kittytail – As (usually) a mage, I can’t pass up any of their magic mods! I also downloaded their Depths of the Reach quest mod for this run, I’m excited to see what it holds!
- Kittytail‘s spells packs – Beautiful epic power fantasy spells for becoming the powerful magic user of your dreams.
- Kittytail If you need magic mods, they make top-tier ones.
- kryptopyr
- lilson for NPC overhauls
- Mandragorasprouts‘ statues. There’s a few I’m not quite as into as others, but they’re all extremely well done.
- Mandragorasprouts‘ statues. There’s a few I’m not quite as into as others, but they’re all extremely well done.
- meh321
- ModpocalypseGaming – For NPC overhauls, especially ones that cover NPCs from other mods
- MIhails Monster mods. Once you cap level 50, fighting bandits, wolves, and cave bears becomes boring. Adding these monster mods really spices up the random enemy encounters.
- Mihail‘s are brilliant. I don’t have all of them (I don’t want all the new monsters), but I do have a bunch.
- NordwarUA
- Ooreeoo if you are using the Simonrim suite, Ooreeoo’s mods are a must.
- Parapets – Auto Audio Switch, Bethesda Plugin Manager and a million more
- Poptartjuniper
- powerofthree release banger after banger
- powerofthree
- powerofthree
- powerofthree is a must. They quite literally make the most important mods after the SKSE.
- PrivateEye Weapon mods. They end up really well integrated into the game worlds.
- Heavy Armory – New Weapons: Adds new weapons to all the vanilla types and rarer kinds like Falmer, Forsworn, and silver.
- Royal Armory – New Artifacts: Adds artifacts for several VIPs.
- New Armory Series – Lunar Steel Weapons: Makes the lunar weapons different looking and expands kinds for Heavy Armory.
- Lawless – A Bandit Overhaul: Overhauls bandit factions.
- Madmen – A Forsworn Overhaul: Overhauls Forsworn faction equipment.
- PSBoss
- PSBoss All of their statues. I don’t really care for his creatures, though.
- Pulcharmsolis
- Ryn. Got everything or almost everything he released.
- Ryn for location overhauls
- RubberSpaghetti
- Shadowman2777
- Siberpunk for his Environs series.
- SimonMagus – Simonrim is a must-have for me. I’ve tried Enairim but there’s something about Simonrim mods that just is right for my Skyrim <3 and he is also the bestest!
- Southpawe – for NPC overhauls. And the best Serana appearance mod in my opinion
- Tarlazo – Automatic coffin yes
- Verolevi – For animations (has an AIO)
- venjhammet – I use pretty much all their dungeons.
- Vicn – a narrative genius, his stories are incredibly captivating and imo are the logical symbiosis of FromSoft’s cryptic storytelling and Skyrim’s hands-on approach to set pieces. The result is the story isn’t as dumb as Skyrim, but is also comprehendible as opposed to Souls. Can’t wait until his trilogy is finished
- wizkid
- wSkeever! Great textures and meshes that make the difference as well as some colorful comments.
- Xavbio. I’m a simple woman — Xavbio drops a clothing or armor retexture, I download it.
I also have almost all of nimwraith’s (non-shattered) quest mods and track for new ones.
- Xavbio! Love them textures. The robes are straight fire.
- Xavbio
- Xavbio for vanilla armor retextures
- Xavbio‘s armor retextures are fantastic. Utterly seamless, but a great improvement over vanilla. I literally found one on the front page of Nexus, and then downloaded all of them.
- Xenius
- Xilamonster – Can’t vouch for them hard enough (upscales and retexures)
- Xtudo for patches/textures of other mods I am using.
- Yuril
- Yuril – author of the fairly well-known (and currently in the HOT MOD box) ALT and FYX series of mesh alternatives and fixes. Almost everything they’ve done is in my load order.