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- Spent all day rebuilding the list – mostly reviewing conflicts and modgrouping, asking questions on xEdit and LotD Discords.
- Got tired and modgrouped the LOTD CC Patch Wraithguard ToK to the Vault Fix, Vault Fix USCCCP, USCCCP and CC Wraithguard itself.
- Another is Temper Replicas, which I THINK goes befre all the DBM CC Patches. They use the same “item created” name so they work together. I posted somewhere asking about it.
- Unsure how to create first version of the Wabbajack file. Trying to decide if I should delete everything from mo2 (from before teh crash) so that I can Wabbajack it because I think it hashes everything in downloads and that’ll take forever for only having a few mods actually installed
- Installed some MO2 plugins, Undo Move, Bethesda Plugin Manager, Loot Order Library upload to
- Created a Load Order Library api and connected it.
- Tested and it works. v0.0.1 –
- Error when trying update function
- Still unsure how to fit Bethesda Plugin Manager into my workflow
- Updated Achievement Injector
- Cleared all conflicts in xEdit