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General Updates
- ReFOMOD COMAP to hopefully get unknown locations to appear as question marks. (They were not appearing in yesterday’s game test .)
- Uninstalled Another Race Rotation
Mod Development
MO2 Plugin: Create New Mod Shortcut
- Created a new MO2 Plugin that enables keyboard shortcuts for the two commands I use most commonly: Create New Empty Mod and Create New Separator.
- I’ve got it working for both, and plan on adding to the next version the ability to choose the new separator’s color during creation
- Also want to rename it (should I just call it Keyboard Shortcuts for MO2?
- Will upload it to Nexus as soon as I am happy with the graphics for it (probably today)
- I’ve noticed that people tend to upload these kinds of projects to GitHub as well, so I’ll want to do that
- Also should upload my other NIF Preview plugin to Nexus as well.