General Updates
Survival Mode
- I am backtracking on my decision to not include survival mode related mods in Dii. It may be easier to implement than i thought.
- Yesterday I installed Survival Mode Improved with the plan to install Starfrost – A Survival Overhaul once I’ve resolved SMI’s conflicts. I made this decision after reviewing conflicts between Adamant and CC Survival Mode.
- Added a new post category: Resources
- Posted Glossary: Plugin Data in Resources
- Added Resoures posts to Homepage, as a side-by-side column with dev logs
- Reformatted Developer’s Logs column on Homepage
Adamant / Mysticism / Immersive Sounds – Compendium Conflicts
- Reviewed all conflicts between I
and Adamant, Mysticism, and Immesive Sounds – Compendium and they all look fine. - Modgrouped
ISC Adamant Patch + Adamant + Mysticism + Immersive Sounds Compendium
Created Dii ISC Mysticism Patch.esp
A few updated ISC fields were not carried over to Mysticism.
- InfluenceConfUpFFAimedAreaSecondary “Rally Secondary” [MGEF:00026D7C]
- Removed vanilla
SNDD - Sounds
records producing firebolt sounds:- [Sheathe/Draw] MAGFireboltDrawSheatheLPMSD [SNDR:0003C8F8]
- [Charge] MAGFirebolt01ChargeSD [SNDR:0003C8F9]
- [Ready] MAGFirebolt02ReadyLPSD [SNDR:0003C8FA]
- [Release] MAGFirebolt03FireSD [SNDR:0003C8FB]
- Carried over ISC
SNDD - Sounds
records producing Illusion sounds:- [Sheathe/Draw] MAGIllusionDrawSheatheLPMSD [SNDR:0007BBAB]
- [Charge] MAGIllusionCharge100SD [SNDR:0008196C]
- [Ready] MAGIllusionReadyLPSD [SNDR:0007C720]
- [Release] MAGIllusionReleaseAimedSD [SNDR:0008196D]
- Removed vanilla
- FireboltExpertProjectile01 [PROJ:0010FBEA]
- Carried over ISC
SNDD - Sounds
records producing Incinerate sounds:- MAGIncinerateProjectileSD [SNDR:1721954D]
- Carried over ISC
- Created new Group in LOOT:
Custom Patches
, and recategorized plugins appropriately - Modgrouped
Mysticism + Audio Overhaul Skyrim
. There’s a single conflict showing and it looks intentional on Simon’s part - Learned that when you see
in xEdit it means “Magic Effect - Somehow the Legacy of the Dragonborn Patches (Official) folder had no modgroups in it (I noticed this when a conflict with
and Tools of Kagrenac popped up out of the blue in MO2). I foundDBM_TOK_Patch.modgroups
in a MO2 backup of the LOTD Patches mod and dragged it back in to the live mod folder.
Conflict Resolution
Blade and Blunt
- Modgrouped
Blade and Blunt + Base Game
. I was happily shocked to see BaB had only three conflicts, and all with the base game.
Starfrost / Survival Mode Improved
- Immedately modgrouped
Starfrost + Survival Mode
Improved. Starfrost requires SMI and is built on top of it so away with you. - Modgrouped
Starfrost + Base Game
- Modgrouped
Starfrost + Survival Mode Improved + CC Survival Mode
LOTD Kanahrik’s Accoutrements Patch / Temperable Replicas for LOTD
- Need
to carry forward some changes fromKRI_TemperableReplicasForLOTD.esp

- Created
Dii LOTD KA Patch Temperable Replicas for LOTD Patch Patch.esp
to house the records carried forward from Temperable Replicas.- DBM_VahlokMaskREPLICA “Vahlok (replica)” [ARMO:1000FC78]
- Changed
BOD2 - Biped Body Template > Armor Type
to Light Armor from Heavy Armor. - Changed the
values Value and Weight to 1135 and 7 from 250 and 9 respectively. - Changed the
DNAM - Armor Rating
value to 22 from 23.
- Changed
- Added
as a master
- DBM_VahlokMaskREPLICA “Vahlok (replica)” [ARMO:1000FC78]
LOTD Kanahrik’s Accoutrements Patch / LOTD Gray Cowl of Noctural Patch
- More odd lighting values for
DBMDGDragonbornHall "Dragonborn Hall" [CELL:10741ACF]
in DBM_TheGrayCowlofNocturnal_Patch.esp

- I think this is an oversight, so I’m going to drag the master values into
- Modgrouped
Adamant + CC Necromantic Grimoire
. There’s a single conflict with the perk Twin Souls. Necromantic Grimoire modified the vanilla perk, but Adamant intentionally renames the perk Doors of Oblivion and changes it all, so this fine.