General Updates
- Modgrouped
LOTD + Base Game + CC
. Turns out I need this one in case I’m ever loading any of those plugins in xEdit without USSEP. Previously I had created the modgroup:Legacy of the Dragonborn + Base Game (no USSEP)
but that did not include the four CCs.
Installed Survival Mode Improved – SKSE
- Required by Starfrost, which I’ll bring into the mix tomorrow.
- Modgrouped
Survival Mode Improved + CC Survival Mode
- Modgrouped
Survival Mode Improved + Base Game
- Noticed I neede a
LOTD + CC Survival Mode
modgroup, so made one - Modgrouped
Survival Mode Improved + USSEP
after reviewing all conflicts - There’s a single undesirable conflict between SMI and LOTD. LOTD changes the model for MQ201Drink “Colovian Brandy” [ALCH:00036D53] to a custom model. SMI doesn’t include that change.

- Screw it, I’m just copying the
Model record over fromLegacyoftheDragonborn.esm
directly intoSurvivalModeImproved.esp
. - Modgrouped
Survival Mode Improved + LOTD
- There’s one more Survival Mode Improved conflict (with USCCCP) and I’ll take care of it tomorrow.
Conflict Resolution
Day 3: USSEP / Mysticism / Adamant Conflicts
Added another record to patch Dii USSEP Mysticism Adamant Patch.esp
to resolve a conflict wiith Dii USSEP Mysticism Patch.esp
. I’m patching a patch. It’s a thing.
Carried over from Adamant.esp
- MAG_RepelUndeadStaffEnch “Repel Undead” [ENCH:00029B98]
- Incorporates the Burning Light perk (which adds damage over time to Turn Undead spells) into the Repel Undead staff enchantment.
- Effect 1
- Effect
: MAG_PerkBurningLightFFAimed “Burning Light” [MGEF:09D36A02] - Effect
: Magnitude:(4) Area:(0) Duration:(30) - Condition
: Function:(HasMagicEffect) Parameter #1:(MAG_TurnUndeadFFAimedArea75 [MGEF:0801469F]) Parameter #2:(00 00 00 00)
- Effect
- Effect 2
- Effect
: MAG_StaffEnchFFAimed “Staff Enchantment” [MGEF:08F4F8B8] - Effect
: Magnitude:(0) Area:(0) Duration:(0)
- Effect
Modgrouped Dii USSEP Mysticism Adamant Patch + Dii USSEP Mysticism Patch
and we’re done resolving Mysticism and Adamant conflicts with USSEP.