Developer’s Log: January 22, 2025

General Update

  • Big news today is that I decided on a naming convetion for patches. Dii [earlier loader] [later loader] Patch.esp. No one on xEdit Discord has anything definitive to say about patch naming conventions, so I’m going with this offhand comment by ra2phoenix so there’s some consistency.
    • ra2phoenix: you could just name it in order they happen to be loaded in, if you need help making a decision
  • Installing Mysticsm and resolving its conflicts is taking forever.
    • Then I hit a wall with Immersive Sounds – Compendium conflicts. I found a patch but there was an Adamant option. I may regret this, considering I haven’t resolved all Mysticism conflicts, but…
  • Installed Adamant…
  • Installed ISC_Adamant_Patch.esp.
    • Actually that wasn’t too bad. Just modgroupped all four of em per ra2phoenix’s instructions.

General Updates

  • Unticked SSEEdit’s outputting to a Mod folder because MO2 doesn’t let you drag from open mod filetree to another open mod, which is maddening because The Method requires modgroup creation constantly.
  • Installed XEdit Script – Find References to Models


Mysticism – A Magic Overhaul

  • Modgrouped Mysticism + Base Game
USSEP / Mysticism Conflicts
  • Created a patch Dii USSEP Mysticism Patch.esp to carry forward some USSEP changes.
    • MerchantMorthalFalionsChest “Chest” [CONT:0009DA56]
      Added 1x USKPPerkInvestorMorthalFalionList [LVLI:0F002E6A] [ARMO:0F055E4D] to Items (sorted) > Item
    • MerchantDawnstarMadenasChest “Chest” [CONT:000A2987]
      Added 1x USKPPerkInvestorDawnstarMadenaList [LVLI:0F002E6B] to Items (sorted) > Item
    • MerchantWCollegeEnthirChest “Chest” [CONT:000EE9F7]
      Added 1x USKPClothesMagesGloves [ARMO:0F055E4D] to Items (sorted) > Item
    • StaffEnchParalyze “Paralysis” [ENCH:00029B4A]
      Added ActorTypeDragon [KYWD:00035D59] to Conditions (aligned) > Condition #0
      • From USKP v 2.1.3 change log: “The paralysis effect for staffs (StaffEnchParalyze) was missing the keyword check on dragons for the stagger effect. (Bug #18524)”
    • It appears to me that USSEP corrects a few Staff Enchantment vanilla bugs in which “Turn Greater Undead” doesn’t actually check to see if the target is undead. I can’t find anything online about this, but those changes are not reflected in Mysticism. I’m going to carry them forward on:
      • StaffEnchTurnGreaterUndead “Turn Greater Undead” [ENCH:00029B72]
        Added Subject.IsUndead = 1 OR and Subject.HasKeyword(ActorTypeUndead [KYWD:00013796]) = 1 to Effects > Effect #1 > Conditions
      • StaffEnchTurnUndead “Turn Undead” [ENCH:00029B96]
        Added Subject.IsUndead = 1 OR and Subject.HasKeyword(ActorTypeUndead [KYWD:00013796]) = 1 to Effects > Effect #1 > Conditions
      • StaffEnchRepelUndead “Repel Undead” [ENCH:00029B98]
        Added Subject.IsUndead = 1 OR and Subject.HasKeyword(ActorTypeUndead [KYWD:00013796]) = 1 to Effects > Effect #1 > Conditions
      • StaffEnchTurnLesserUndead “Turn Lesser Undead” [ENCH:000B62E3]
        Added Subject.IsUndead = 1 OR and Subject.HasKeyword(ActorTypeUndead [KYWD:00013796]) = 1 to Effects > Effect #1 > Conditions
      • Modgrouped Dii USSEP Mysticism Patch + Mysticism + USSEP
Legacy of the Dragonborn / Mysticism Conflicts

dunCrystalDriftCaveStaff "Gadnor's Staff of Charming" [WEAP:00046E0B]

Poor Gadnor. His Staff of Charming shares the same model as 10+ other staffs in the game, some common, some not. LOTD gives him a (slightly improved) unique model. Of course, Mysticism modifies the stats but doesn’t touch the model. I’m surprised there’s not a LOTD patch for that. Carrying three records for it forward into a new patch: Dii LOTD Mysticism Patch.esp.

The entries patched are:

  • OBND - Object Bounds, Model > MODL - Model FileName, and Model > WNAM - 1st Person Model Object

  • StaffTemplateDestruction “Destruction Staff” [WEAP:000BE11F]
    Carrying over DBM_StaffBlank [KYWD:10299419] to Keywords > KWDA - Keywords (sorted) > Keyword into Dii LOTD Mysticism Patch.esp to patch for LOTD.

Let’s also get these books back into Lucan’s and Ronthil’s chests where LOTD wants them.

MerchantRiverwoodTraderChest “Chest” [CONT:00078C0C]
Carrying over 1x BCSLL_Books_List_Rare40 [LVLI:05009F5F] and 1x DBM_PaintingChestRandom [LVLI:0574682D] to Items (sorted) > Item into Dii LOTD Mysticism Patch.esp to patch for LOTD.

DLC1VendorChestRonthil “Chest” [CONT:0201047A]
Carried over 1x DBM_PaintingChestRandom [LVLI:0574682D] to Items (sorted) > Item into Dii LOTD Mysticism Patch.esp to patch for LOTD.

  • Modgrouped Dii LOTD Mysticism Patch + Mysticism + LOTD .
  • Added Dii LOTD Mysticism Patch.esp to LOOT group “Late Fixes & Changes.”
CC Survival / Mysticism Conflicts

Frustratingly, Mysticism has a couple conflicts with the Survival CC add on.

I’m not planning on playing with Survival Mode, or even having it as an option, so I’m going to modgroup it into Mysticism + CC Survival, but I CAN foresee people wanting to enable it on Dii, so I just want a record of it here. Perhaps installing a survival overhaul (Simon’s or someone else’s) will render these moot.

I changed my mind. I’m going to install Starfrost as optional.

But for now, these conflicts are still here, just hidden.

Konahrik Accoutrements / Mysticism Conflicts

There’s this ONE conflict here (3 conflicts if you count each entry?). I’m wanted to drag it over to MysticismMagic.esp and be done with it, but since it orginiates in konahrik_accoutrements.esp, that plugin would have to be added to Mysticism, and I don’t want that. So a teeny, tiny Dii Konahrik Accoutrements Mysticism Patch.esp it is.

  • LItemScroll100Skill [LVLI:000A44CB]
    Carried over [Lv1] 1x KA_AbjDragonPriestCurseScroll [SCRL:1200BA30] to Leveled List Entries (sorted) > Leveled List Entry > LVLO - Base Data into Dii Konahrik Accoutrements Mysticism Patchs.esp to patch for KA.
  • Modgrouped Dii KA Mysticism Patch + Mysticism + Konahrik Accoutrements.

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