- Boot test this A.M. resulted in a crash. Reading the crash log wasn’t much help. It ocurred to me that I still had activated my unpacked vanilla texture mods (every texture in the game) and that it was probably a memory issue. Disabled those mods and voila the game boots just fine.
- Created new MO2 separator
LOOSE Vanilla Textures for Testing
directly under theCleaned Base Game
separator, colored it red (as a reminder to disable them in the future before running SKSE) and moved the following under it:- Vanilla Meshes and Textures LOOSE FOR TESTING
- Resource Pack – High Resolution Texture Pack Unpacked LOOSE FOR TESTING
- AE Textures Unpacked LOOSE FOR TESTING
- CC Textures Unpacked LOOSE FOR TESTING
- MO2 kept giving me the warning “Load order was changed while running. Keep changes?” after every launch/quit cycle. Disabled Bethesda Plugin Manager MO2 plugin per the suggestion on this post and problem solved.
- Disabled the following Waqas131294 mods (they are superceded by
Vanilla Remastered (Ultimate) - Textures Upscaled and Reworked
):- Skyrim Every Single Texture Upscaled and Reworked
- Skyrim Every Single Texture Upscaled and Reworked – Update 0.92
- Skyrim Every Single Texture Upscaled and Reworked – Update 0.95
- USSEP – Textures Upscaled and Reworked
- USSEP – Textures Upscaled and Reworked – Hotfix 9.1
- Created new MO2 separator
New Content > Loot
(for Skyrim Unique Treasures, but certainly many more. - Noticed that
Website Updates
- Extended bottom padding on posts thumbnails
- Test single page/single post pages on website
- Fix inline code colors on mobile
- Fix inline code colors on Gutenberg editor
- Cleaned Base Game and AE Textures
- Vanilla Remastered (Ultimate) – Textures Upscaled and Reworked – Architecture (Part 2)
- Vanilla Remastered (Ultimate) – Textures Upscaled and Reworked – Clothing and Jewelry
- Vanilla Remastered (Ultimate) – Textures Upscaled and Reworked – Clutter
- Vanilla Remastered (Ultimate) – Textures Upscaled and Reworked – Dungeon
- Skyrim Unique Treasures
- ReFOMOD LOTD Patch Hub to install the SUT patch
- Created a patch Dii Cell Patch SUT USSEP.esp to carry over some USSEP Cell record changes past SUT which ignores them.
- WinterholdJarlsLonghouse “Jarl’s Longhouse” [CELL:00013818]
Ownership > XCAS - Acoustic Space
Carrying over IntRoomStoneMediumAcousticSpace [ASPC:000C5B6D] - HollyfrostFarm “Hollyfrost Farm” [CELL:000161FB]
Ownership > XOWN - Owner
Carrying over HollyFrostFarmFaction [FACT:00105A5C] - HlaaluFarm “Hlaalu Farm” [CELL:000161FC]
Ownership > XOWN- Owner
Carrying over HlaaluFarmFaction “Hlaalu Farm Faction” [FACT:00105A5B] - BrandyMugFarm “Brandy-Mug Farm” [CELL:00016205]
Ownership > XOWN- Owner
Carrying over BrandyMugFarmFaction “Brandy Mug Farm Faction” [FACT:00105A5D] - FalkreathDengeirsHall “Dengeir’s House” [CELL:00013A78]
Ownership > XOWN- Owner
Carrying over - MorthalAlvasHouseCellar “Alva’s Cellar” [CELL:0010CEEA]
Ownership > XCAS - Acoustic Space
Carrying over IntRoomStoneMediumAcousticSpace [ASPC:000C5B6D] - MorthalAlvasHouseCellar “Alva’s Cellar” [CELL:0010CEEA]
Ownership > XCCM - Sky/Weather from Region
Carrying over dunPOIWitchAnise “Anise” [NPC_:000DDF86] - DushnikhYalCellar “Burguk’s Cellar” [CELL:00065AB5]
Ownership > XEZN - Encounter Zone
Removing record to match USSEP
- WinterholdJarlsLonghouse “Jarl’s Longhouse” [CELL:00013818]
Additional Conflict Resolution
DBM_CC_GrayCowlReturnsPatchMGTGCoNPatch.esp: Removing DBM_SafeHouseLocation “Safehouse” [LCTN:10139074] from XLCN - Location
. No clue why it’s there but it’s not in LOTD or any other patches so it’s annoying and gone.
I don’t think I was disabling ModGroups every time when checking conflicts in xEdit. I decided to check my work in Skyrim’s Unique Textures, and it was eye opening. I’d previously copied over some DATA - Flags (sorted)
and DATA-Flags (sorted) - Show Sky
records from Skyrim into SUT because I was looking at this:

But that’s only half the picture. I disabled Modgroups and saw this:

Now I an see tht it’s actually the DBM_CC_GrayCowlReturnsPatchMGTGCoNPatch.esp that’s the outlier here. Hard to know what to do but I’m going to trust USSEP and LOTD on this one, even though the aforemention esp is a LOTD patch!
Here’s how it looks now after I copied:

DBM_TheGrayCowlofNocturnal_Patch.esp is missing Directional Color in DBMDGDragonbornHall "Dragonborn Hall" [CELL:10741ACF]
, and the Ambient Colors are a bit random. Copying the info from LOTD and DBM_KA_Patch.esp directly into it because I’d guess the lighting in the Dragonborn Hall shouldn’t be changing based on which LOTD patch is installed.

SkyrimsUniqueTreasures.esp: Another ownership situation inside WinterholdJarlsLonghouse "Jarl's Longhouse" [CELL:00013818]
… Wait a second, there’s a SUT_ prefix before the faction name… SUT_USKPWinterholdJarlsLonghouseFaction [FACT:20018AF5]
. See above.
Why would Skryim’s Ultimate Treasures introduce its own faction? I took a look through a bunch of the other locations ownership inside SUT and I didn’t see a single other one with a SUT_ prefix. I’m going to trust USSEP on this one, and copy its record directly into SUT.

SUT is missing some records Vigil Enforcer Armor Set (ccmtysse002-ve.esl) added to DATA - Flags (sorted)
and DATA - Flags (sorted) > Has Water
. USCCCP retained them, so I’m copying them driectly into SUT.
- DawnstarQuicksilverMine “Quicksilver Mine” [CELL:0002C779]:
DATA - Flags (sorted)
updated to “Is Interior Cell, Has Water, Public Area.”DATA - Flags (sorted) > Has Water
updated to “Has Water.”
LOTD / Skyrim’s Unique Treasures Patch Compatibility
Sharing my conversation on the LOTD Discord:
Today at 7:29 AM
SUT has a lore-friendly option that removes some of the silly stuff from the game.What happens to the (patched) displays in the museum?
I want to disable the silly stuff, but I don’t want empty spots in my museum displays.
From Skyrim’s Unique Treasures page:
This is an all-in-one package which self configures depending on your preference. Full version will include all items listed above as free to grab items no matter where they are found and the game will notify you when one such item has been picked up. Lore friendly will do the same but removes the non-lore friendly items such as ninja dolls, collector plates, etc. This choice, is configurable in the MCM menu. This merely resets ownership, resets notifications and enables or disables placed items depending on lore choice, but will not hide or add items already found.
Icecreamassassin 🍦🔪
Today at 7:45 AM
it removes the items from the game and the areas they display are disabled or left empty on one of the bottom shelves.it’s not obvious