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- Kicked things off updating the Dii Mods Tracker, and then, not entirely sure what to install next, started referencing the S.T.E.P. Guide.
- Installed Beyond Reach and resolved some conflicts, but put that on pause to install Konahrik’s Accoutrements after noticing I had a custom leveled list patch that had records from both of them.
- Patched and resolved all conflicts from KA
- Posted a question on Kriana’s Temper Replicas for LOTD on Nexus asking how they decided what values to change the weapons and armor to (Then I realized it was almost certainly the materials the items were made from).
- Cleaned Base Game AE Textures
- Vanilla Remastered (Ultimate) – Textures Upscaled and Reworked – Effects and Terrain
- Vanilla Remastered (Ultimate) – Textures Upscaled and Reworked – Landscape
- Vanilla Remastered (Ultimate) – Textures Upscaled and Reworked – Architecture (Part 1)
- Vanilla Remastered (Ultimate) – Textures Upscaled and Reworked – ACtors and Creatures
- Graphics > Mesh Fixes
- Static Mesh improvement Mod – SMIM – Quality Addon
- Misc. SMIM Fixes
- SMIM – Quality Addon – Unofficial Material Fix Patch
- Retextured SMIM ingredients
- SMIM 4k-2k Textures – Balanced
- Graphics > Early Loaders
- DynDOLOD Resources SE
- DynDOLOD DLL NG and Scripts 3.00
- Graphics > Tools and Crafting
- Improved Sparks – 10k
- Grindstone HD – Texture Replacer 4k
- Grindstone Variants – Base Object Swapper – ElSopa Variant
- GV – EV – Improved Sparks Patch – 10X Sparks
- New Content > Large Quests
- Konahrik’s Accoutrements
- Konahrik’s Accoutrements – Fixed Esp
Conflict Resolution
Quests are in Skyrim
- Quests Are In Skyrim has a single conflict with USSEP: An Alias record inside Quest
Trouble in Skyrim. I overwote QAIS by carrying forward the removal of FNAM - Alias Flags > Flags (sorted) > Stores Text
and Uses Stored Text
. Trusting USSEP on this one.
Beyond Reach
- Carried over entires in 6 records from USSEP past
and into my Beyond Reach USSEP Patch.esp
- Four SNDD Footstep Sound for
, EbonyBootsAA
, DragonplateBootsAA
, FineBoots01AA
- Two Leveled List Entry entires in
were actually removed in USSEP so I blanked them out in the patch as well.
- Modgrouped
Beyond Reach USSEP Patch + Beyond Reach + USSEP
- ReFOMOD Legacy of the Dragonborn Patch Hub to add the patch for Beyond Reach.
Konahrik’s Accoutrements
- Temperable Replicas for LOTD and LOTD Konahrik’s Accoutrements Patch
- Created
Dii Temperable Weapons for LOTD Patch
to carry things forward.
- Carried
BOD2 - Biped Body Template > First Person Flags (sorted) > Armor Type
> “Light Armor” entry from KRI_TemperableReplicasForLOTD.esp
to new patch Dii Temperable Weapons for LOTD.esp
- Copied missing
XLCN > DBM_SafeHouseLocation
“Safehouse” [LCTN:10139074] from FormID: 101252E1 / EditorID: DBMQA (Utility Cell – LOTD) from DBM_TheGrayCowlofNocturnal_Patch.esp
directly into to DBM_KA_Patch.esp
and DBM_StaffofSheogorath_Patch.esp
. It’s probably nothing, just a test cell, but why not?
- Patching some leveled list between
and DBM_KA_Patch.esp
into a custom mod named Dii DBM Oblivion Artifats Patch DBM KA Patch Leveled List Patch.esp
. Copying four books over from Oblivion Artifacts past LOTD’s KA patch.
[Lv1] 1x 000EscutcheonofChorrolBook [BOOK:20000D6D]
[Lv1] 1x 000RedwaveBook [BOOK:20000D6E]
[Lv1] 1x 000AmelionArmorBook [BOOK:200028F4]
[Lv1] 1x 000FrostwyrmBook [BOOK:200028F5]
- Copying over DATA – Data > Value and Weight from Temperable Replicas past
(which, of course, doesn’t have them) to Dii Temperable Weapons for LOTD Patches.esp
LOTD Patch: Gray Cowl of Nocturnal
- Modified XCLL – Lighting > Ambient Colors entries for 1000FC78 DBMDGDragonbornHall inside
. Copied over the entries from LegacyoftheDragonborn.esm
and DBM_KA_Patch.esp
(those two were identical so figured that was probably correct.) Again, probably nothing important at all, but why not?
Definitely do
- Boot test game!
- Delete more unused mods (prepping for first Wabbajack compilation attempt)
- Install and Resolve
- Do I need
if I use MfgFix NG
below it? Description suggests so but isn’t clear, and I see Wabbajack modlists that only run the NG version.
- Website Updates
- Test single page/single post pages on website
- Fix inline code colors on mobile
- Extend bottom padding on posts thumbnails
- Peek at LOTD Patch FOMOD to see what to install next
- Delete more unused mods (prepping for first Wabbajack compilation attempt)
- Start Roadmap Template
- Review STEP
- Test hitting tab on Modex after alt-tabbing away and back.
- Install
- Deadly Spell Impacts
- A Patch For Deadly Spell Impacts and Audio Overhaul – Immersive Sounds Integration (AOS – ISC Compatibility Patch)
Diverse Foods - Base Object Swapper
– Need to install Rudy HQ - Miscellaneous SE
before doing this which means I need to install silverware mods before doing this. Check FOMOD.
- Log this somewhere: Mods that integrate CC content : r/skyrimmods