IT’S 9:30 PM AND I AM DONE modgrouping, patching, and conflict reviewing Audio Overhaul Skyrim + Immersive Sound – Compendium + AOS ISC Integration as well as LOTD ISC patch and LOTD CC Patch Fishing, USSEP and USCCCP. That was brutal!
For Tomorrow
- Delete more unused mods (prepping for first Wabbajack compilation attempt)
- Install A Patch For Deadly Spell Impacts and Audio Overhaul – Immersive Sounds Integration (AOS – ISC Compatibility Patch)
- Install Skyrim’s Unique Treasures
- Follow up LOL update bug w phinocio (tell them it worked)
- Write story about needing help. Its’ early too early even for a discord
- Redo homepage of site so annouuncements come first.
- Log this somewhere: Mods that integrate CC content : r/skyrimmods
- Started the day spending 10 minutes ticking off already installed plugins in my XLS mod tracker (I started the tracker over when MO2 lost my modlist.txt).
Website Updates:
- Uploaded title banner to website
- Exported blog posts from and imported to
- Reinstalled WP Plugin Better Admin Bar to fix top spacing error
- Created post thumbnail template. Uploaded to all four posts.
- Set recent posts as site homepage
- Fixed .htaccess redirect to Dii
Releases / Development
- Uploaded another Load Lroder List 0.0.2
- Heard back from Phinocio from Load Order Library about the error when updating. He suggested using all lowercase for a slug.
- Tried that and didn’t work, but I did realize I didn’t create a Load Order Library API that allowed for updating. I deleted the current API key and created another one ticking “Update” and “Read” and I will try it again.
Conflict Resolution
- Create a patch (Dii Patch – Tempered Replicas for LOTD) to carry forward some unimportant tweaks to weapon/armor value and stats (on Wraithguard, Sunder and Keening replicas) that were overwritten by the LOTD CC Sunder Wraithguard ToK Patch
- Added various records records from KRI_TemperableReplicasForLOTD.esp to Dii Tweaks – Tempered Replicas for LOTD.esp
- For Armor > DBM_HandsofAtronachREP and DBM_HonorbladeDBM
- Fish Anywhere With Water
- Oblivion Artifact Pack
- Copied over various record updates from USSEP and LOTD directly into WZOblivionArtifacts.esp
- Cell > XCCM Sky/Weather from Region
- Cell > XCAS Acoustic Space
- Location
- Worldspace > Tamriel
- For BleakcoastCave01, DushnikhYalLonghouse, HagsEnd01, SnaplegCave01, FalkreathBarracksJail, DaintySloadLocation, IvarsteadExterior01)
- Modgrouping and ignoring conflict between USSEP and Oblivion Artifact Pack for 000CA50F TreeDeadShrubSnow in BleakcoastCave01
- Copied over various record updates from USSEP and LOTD directly into WZOblivionArtifacts.esp
- JS Attunement Sphere and Lexicons SE – 2k
- JS Attunement Sphere and Lexicons SE – Glowmapped
- JS Barenziah SE – 4k
- JS Bloodstone Chalice SE – 2k
- JS Common Cages SE – 4k
- JS Embalming Tools SE – 2k
- JS Essence and Ash Extractors SE – 2k
- JS Initiate’s Ewer SE – 2k
- JS Intrustments of Skyrim SE – 4k
- JS Purses and Septims SE
- JS Torture Tools SE – 2k
- Thrones of Skyrim
- Thrones of Skyrim – Winterhold Fix (from comments)
- Thrones of Skyrim – Myrwatch Compatibility Patch
- Diverse Bird’s Nests – Base Object Swapper
- Diverse Bloody Rags – Base Object Swapper
- Diverse Foods – Base Object Swapper
- Diverse Tanning Racks – Base Object Swapper
- Oblivion Artifact Pack SE – Cleaned and Upscaled Textures
- Oblivion Artifact Pack SE – Hotfix
- Audio Overhaul for Skyrim
- Immersive Sound – Compilation
Modgrouping, patching and conflict clearing Audio Overhaul Skyrim, Immersive Sound Compendium, Legacy of the Dragonborn patches, USSEP, USCCCP
- Reran LOTD Patch for Immersive Sound – Compilation. Remembered to tick it on in MO2’s right pane after this time.
- Created an ESL patch to carry forward some YNAM – Sound Pick Up records from DBM ISC Patch (and presumably ISC itself) that LOTD CC Fishing Patch (DBM_CC_FishingHOWPatch.esp) is missing. Called the new patch: DBM ISC Patch DBM CC Fish Patch Patch.esp (or LOTD Immersive Sound Compilation Patch LOTD CC Fishing Patch Patch. Something like that.). The things we go through just to hear the right pick up sfx.
- Going through the conflicts I notice that two of the sound records are NOT being lost via the LOTD CC Fishing Patch, but by two other patches: LOTD CC Fishing Patch Tools of Kagrenac Synergy (DBM_CC_Fish_ToKSynergy.esp) and Temperable Replicas for LOTD (KRI_TemperableReplicasForLOTD.esp). I’m going to remove the conflict filter and take a peek before deciding how to handle.
- Renaming the patch DBM ISC Patch Patch and bring over the two records noted above.
- Back in xEdit, now I’m confused about why I have two DSI AOS ISC Patches (one with Dii in the title).
Members of the xEdit Discord helped me slow down and reminded me that the Method is methodical.
I got in over my head again installing and resolving these sound mods and patches. After talking to Elliebot, Robert, Hiraeth I went back AGAIN to doing these souund mods. I’m trying to resolve conflicts and modgroup four or five new sfx mods and patches at once. I thought I could because I had a patch which helps them all play nice together. But I’m just not experienced enough in xEdit to tackle that yet. Deactivated them all but Audio Overhaul Skyrim. We’ll go one at a time.
- Found that I’ve been running VQSC which doesn’t let me select the plugins the way QSC does. Changed it in MO2 launcher for xEdit
Noticed some more conflicts Immersive Souund Compilation has with USSEP so I am remaning my ISC patch YET AGAIN to “Dii – ISC Misc Patches“
A bunch of First Person Flags (sorted) that add an “Amulet” to amor mods. It’s hard to explain. But I’m trusting USSEP on this.

USSEP also adds some WISpellDangerous keywords to some vanilla spells, that ISP then erases. I’m going to trust USSEP on these too and carry them forward to the new patch. See below:

Copying over two Condition records from USSEP that are not in Audio Overhaul – Skyrim. Put it directly in there.


Copied over a FormID > LNAM from USSEP directly to Audio Overhaul Skyrim.
