New Lands
- Falskaar
- Helgen Reborn
- Midwood Isle
- Project AHO HD: Quest and world expansion.
- The Forgotten City: Award-winning quest mod with a new storyline.
- Rigmor of Cyrodiil: Story-driven quest and world expansion.
- Thanedom Of Oakhold: Adds a new settlement with Nordic themes.
- Secret Island: Adds a hidden island with mysteries and adventures.
- Land of Vominheim – SE: Introduces a vast, explorable new land.
- Beyond Reach
- Beyond Reach – Tweaks and Enhancements
- Unslaad: Everyone’s talking about it.
- Legends of Aetherium
- Behind and Beyond (nimwraith)
- Additional Clockwork: Adds new clockwork-inspired content and quests.
- On a Crimson Trail: Introduces a questline with new locations and lore.
- College of Winterhold – Quest Expansion: Expands the College of Winterhold with new quests.
- Heart of the Reach
- Tales of Skyrim – Berserkyr: Immersive narrative and quest addition.
- Ascend – Hidden Peaks of Skyrim: Climb mountains for fun and profit
- Note Quest 2: Adds a new quest focused on mysterious notes.
- Skyrim Fall of the Space Core Vol. 1: Adds the Portal Space Core as an Easter egg.
- Cinematic Sprint: Enhances sprint animations for cinematic flair.
- Humble Beginnings – A Lightweight Class Mod: Adds lightweight class-based character customization.
- Faction – Pit Fighter: Adds an underground fighting pit questline.
- Chained by Time Quest: Adds a time-themed quest with unique rewards.
- A Conversation – Quest Mod: Introduces a deep, dialogue-heavy quest.
- The Thrassian Scare: Expands Skyrim with a new lore-based questline.
- Sidequests of Skyrim – Followers Patches: Introduces new sidequests for followers.
Gameplay Mechanics
- ❌AddItemMenu – Ultimate Mod Explorer: Inventory and item management.
- ❌Custom Skills Menu – Icon Replacers: Replaces skill menu icons with unique designs.
- ✅Achievement Injector: Unlock achievements when using mods.
- KreatE: Mod configuration tool for streamlined gameplay.
- Open World Loot – Encounter Zone and Loot Overhaul: Loot and level scaling overhaul.
- Real Wildlife Improved SE: Adds variety and realism to wildlife encounters.
- Spirits of Skyrim (Alcohol Mod): Alcohol mechanics and roleplaying immersion.
- Lesser Gathering (Missives Gathering quests support): Enhances quest objectives.
- Enhanced Reanimation: Improves necromancy effects.
- LP Overhaul: Gameplay overhaul for combat and mechanics.
- Scarcity SE – Less Loot: Does just that
- Ultimate Deadly Encounters and Spawns: Adds challenging encounters and random spawns.
- Skyrim’s Paraglider – ONE: Introduces a paraglider mechanic like Breath of the Wild.
- Little Lessons – Neglected Books Teach Small Skills: Books now grant small skill boosts.
- Akela: Adds a unique follower with custom mechanics.
- Style Meter: Tracks and displays combat performance with a style meter.
- Conquest of Skyrim (CoS) Helpful Information: Provides detailed information for the Conquest of Skyrim mod.
- Smeltdown: Allows smelting of weapons and armor for resources.
- Forest Fragments – Forest Debris Expansion: Adds immersive debris and objects to forest environments.
- CC Enemies SkyPatcher: Adjusts enemy scaling and behavior for Creation Club content.
- Extended Bandit Armors SkyPatcher: Patches bandit armor for compatibility and variety.
- Basic Location Damage – Special Edition: Adds location-based damage mechanics for immersion.
- Non-Auto Skill Books: Requires players to actively read books for skill increases.
- Impactful Crits (Critical Hit Sound Replacer): Replaces critical hit sounds for better impact.
- Each Stone of Barenziah Gives You a Bonus: Grants unique bonuses for collecting Stones of Barenziah.
- Inferno- Envoys of End – SSE port: Introduces a new enemy faction with fire-based abilities.
- Knockout and Surrender – Non-Lethal Pacifist yielding options: Enables non-lethal combat options.
- Loot and Degradation SE – Unique Degradation Tweak: Adds loot degradation mechanics for realism.
- Locational Damage (SKSE Plugin): Adds locational damage effects to combat.
- Epic Viking Music – Skyrim Special Edition: Adds epic Viking-themed music tracks to Skyrim.
- TB’s Improved Book Sounds: Improves sound effects when reading books.
- Louder Nature – Birds and Insects
- Mortal Combat – Fast-paced Combat Tweaks: Smooth and fast combat
- ✅Precision – Unofficial Locational Damage Framework Updated: Adds locational damage to combat.
- Precision Default Weapon Trail Replacer – Smoother and Elden Ring Style: Replaces default weapon trails with smoother effects.
- Subtle Character Bumper Adjustment for Precision: Fine-tunes combat physics.
- Stance Like U Mean It: Adjusts combat stance animations.
- Adjustable Attacks of Opportunity: Customizes mechanics for attack-of-opportunity gameplay.
- Realistic Unequip: Adds animations for more immersive unequipping.
- Sankese’s Combat in Water: Enables combat while swimming.
- Know Your Enemy 2: Expands enemy weaknesses and resistances based on lore.
- TK Dodge RE – Script Free: Adds a script-free dodge mechanic to combat.
- One Click Power Attack NG: Simplifies power attacks to a single click.
- Archery Locational Damage: Adds locational damage mechanics for archery.
- VioLens – A Killmove Mod SE: Customizes killmove options for combat.
- Maximum Carnage: Adds gory effects for kills in combat.
- Frozen Electrocuted Combustion: Adds death effects for frozen, electrocuted, or burned enemies.
Civil War Overhaul and Expansion
- CIVIL WAR OVERHAUL – Redux: Expands Civil War mechanics with larger-scale battles.
- The Second Great War: Adds a new war storyline post-Civil War.
- Rally’s Civil War Document Tubes: Enhances Civil War immersion with document tube assets.
- Open Civil War SSE: Overhauls the Civil War mechanics, adding new strategies and dynamics.
- Civil War Couriers Framework: Adds a courier system for the Civil War questline to enhance immersion.
- Faction Warfare: Improves faction battles across Skyrim.
- Fort Takeovers Framework: Allows players to take over forts for factions.
- Jarl Balgruuf Dilemma: Adds choices and consequences related to Jarl Balgruuf during the Civil War.
- Neutral Civil War Forts Respawn: Ensures neutral forts respawn after the Civil War battles for better continuity.
- Populated Skyrim Civil War SE Edition: Adds more NPCs to Civil War locations.
- Serious Civil War Finale Sieges: Introduces large-scale siege battles for the Civil War’s finale.
- Serious Civil War Consequences for Jarl Balgruuf: Expands the aftermath of Civil War events with specific impacts on Jarl Balgruuf.
- Serious Civil War Defense for OCW: Adds defensive mechanics and gameplay enhancements for Open Civil War.
- Serious Civil War Fort Commanders: Adds unique commanders to Civil War forts for more strategic battles.
- Serious Civil War Fort Personnel: Enhances the diversity of personnel found at Civil War forts.
- Serious Civil War Series Overview: General overview and breakdown of the Serious Civil War series.
- Serious Civil War Fort Personnel Release: Detailed release post for the Serious Civil War Fort Personnel mod.
- Skyrim at War Reborn – A Civil War Mod: Expands the Civil War with more frequent and immersive skirmishes.
- Faction Warfare: Improves faction battles across Skyrim.
- Fort Takeovers Framework: Allows players to take over forts for factions.
- Civil War Battlefields: Adds battlefield locations with immersive features.
- Civil War Checkpoints: Introduces checkpoints in Civil War zones.
- Civil War Refugees: Adds refugee camps for realism during the Civil War.
- After the Civil War – Siege Damage Repairs: Repairs damaged areas post-Civil War.
- Civil War Aftermath SE: Adds aftermath content to the Civil War questline.
Visuals and Graphics
- Skyrim 202X – by Pfuscher: Photo-real textures
- Snowy Ships for Snowy Regions: Adds snowy effects to ships in appropriate climates.
- ❌Skyking Signs: Updates signs for better visual and thematic alignment.
- Ore Vein Texture Fix: Fixes ore vein textures for better clarity.
- Nordic Jarl Longhouses: Revamps the design of Jarl longhouses.
- Rustic Cooking: Retextures for food and cooking tools
- Slightly Better Small Antlers and Deer Hide
- More realistic fur and antlers for wall mounted female elks
- Kanjs – Bones: Adds detailed, realistic bone models to the game.
- Improved Vanilla Divine Shrine Textures: Overhauls textures for divine shrines.
- First Person Height Correction: Fixes first-person height inaccuracies.
- Immersive Fallen Trees SSE: Adds immersive fallen tree models to the world.
- Parallax Map Generator – Quick and Dirty PowerShell Script: Generates parallax maps for modding purposes.
- Imperial Horses Use Imperial Saddles: Adds unique saddles for Imperial horses.
- Atlantean Landscape -Complete- Complex Terrain Parallax: Introduces parallax-enhanced terrain textures.
- Absolute Roads – Dirt: Enhances dirt paths for more natural road visuals.
- Nature of the Wild Lands 3.0 – Tree Replacer Only: Replaces Skyrim’s trees with a more natural look.
- Jiaye’s Sovngarde PBR: Adds PBR textures for Sovngarde.
- Complex Material Hub: Adds advanced materials for custom shaders.
- Revamped Assets Skyrim: Updates textures and assets for a more modern look.
- Hearthfire Oven ENB Light: Adds ENB lighting to Hearthfire ovens.
- Scoped Bows – Glass Lens Removed: Removes the glass lens effect from scoped bows.
- Solstheim and Baan Malur Paper Map for FWMF: Adds hand-drawn paper maps for Solstheim.
- Skyrim 3D Rocks: Replaces rock meshes with high-quality 3D models.
- Gecko’s 4K Mountain Textures: Updates mountain textures with 4K resolution.
- Grass
- Veydosebrom Regions – A Skyrim Grass Overhaul – ENB Complex Grass: Overhauls grass textures with ENB compatibility.
- Landscape Fixes For Grass Mods: Fixes grass placement issues across Skyrim.
- Skoglendi – A Grass Mod: Overhauls grass for a more immersive landscape.
- Folkvangr – Grass and Landscape Overhaul: Overhauls grass and landscape textures for realism.
- DynDOLOD FXGlow Disabler: Disables glowing effects for better DynDOLOD compatibility.
- Small Stars: Reduces the size of stars for realism.
- Seashells: Adds collectible seashells to Skyrim’s beaches.
- No Sunlight Through Mountains: Fixes sunlight clipping through mountains.
- Pitch Black: Drastically darkens nights for more immersive lighting.
- Origins Of Forest – 3D Forest Grass: Adds detailed 3D grass to forests.
- ✅Loading Screen Smoke Removed: Removes smoke effects from loading screens.
- Scribes of Skyrim – a font extension: Adds lore-friendly fonts to Skyrim’s UI.
- Septimus Signus Outpost Overhaul: Enhances the appearance of Septimus Signus’ Outpost.
- TB’s Better Stars and Constellations: Improves star and constellation textures.
- Daedric Shrines Peryite – Wintersun: Adds a new Daedric shrine for Peryite.
- Ducks and Swans Resource: Adds realistic waterfowl to Skyrim’s rivers.
- Animallica – Lore Edition Redux SE: Expands wildlife with lore-friendly creatures.
- Dimmer Fake Glow: Reduces the intensity of fake glow effects.
- YgneuS – Skyrim Reignited: Overhauls Skyrim’s lighting and atmosphere.
- Purity SSE: Enhances Skyrim’s visual effects like water and lighting.
- Simply Better Lighting (Whiterun) (SSE): Enhances lighting in Whiterun for better ambiance.
UI Enhancements
- ❌The Elder Scrolls Legends – Loading Screens: Adds lore-inspired loading screens.
- ❌Dear Diary Dark Mode – SkyUI Menus Replacer SE: UI overhaul with a dark aesthetic.
- ✅The Handy Icon Collection Collective: Provides a collection of custom icons for mods.
- ✅Improved Camera SE: Enhances first-person camera functionality.
- ❌Tranquil – Main Menu Replacer: Replaces the main menu with a tranquil visual design.
- ✅Skyrim SE Skill Interface Re-Texture: Retextures the skill interface for improved visuals.
- ❌Sanguis – An Oblivion Font: Replaces fonts with Oblivion-inspired styles.
- Font Overhaul – Natural Typefaces for Skyrim – FONTS: Enhances text display with new typefaces.
- Nordic…ish – A TrueHUD preset based on Nordic UI: Custom HUD interface.
- Nordic UI – SkyUI Weapons Pack SE (with Frostfall Compatibility): Adds Nordic-themed UI weapon icons for SkyUI.
- Better Grabbing: Better version of grab and adds rotation
- Kome’s Inventory Tweaks: Overhauls inventory management for better usability.
- ⭐I4 Weapon Icons Overhaul: Updates and refines weapon icons for SkyUI.
- ⭐SkyUI Weapons Pack SE: Adds custom weapon icons for SkyUI.
- ESO Animated Morrowind Main Menu Replacer SE: Replaces the main menu with an animated Morrowind-inspired theme.
- Halffaces – HQ buckets All-in-One: Adds high-quality textures for buckets and similar items.
- Typography for Skyrim SE: Overhauls Skyrim’s fonts with immersive styles.
Animation and Character Enhancements
- M2M Animations by Tweens for OStim Standalone: Adds animations for OStim Standalone.
- Bijin AIO UNP NeverNude Patch: Modifies character appearance for modesty.
- EVG Animated Traversal Skyrim Integration Patch: Adds new traversal animations.
- Bleak Falls Barrow – Animated Traversal: Adds animated traversal points to the iconic dungeon.
- First Person Combat Animations Overhaul 2.0 – SIZE MATTERS: Overhauls first-person combat animations.
- zxlice’s ultimate potion animation – ZUPA: Adds immersive potion-drinking animations.
Environmental and Structural Additions
- The Great Cities – Minor Cities and Towns: Overhauls Skyrim’s smaller cities.
- JK’s High Hrothgar: An enhanced Temple overhaul.
- Thunderchild – Epic Shouts and Immersion: Adds a library to High Hrothgar.
- Vanaheimr – Mines and Caves: Enhances mines and caves for exploration.
- Smiggy’s Cabin: Adds a new player home.
- Thieves Guild Entrances: Adds new entrances to the Thieves Guild.
- Snowy Ships for Snowy Regions: Environment-specific ship designs.
- HighHrothgar ShelterS and Hotspring: Adds a shelter and hotspring near High Hrothgar.
Immersion Enhancements
- Eli’s Coffee Mod: Adds immersive coffee-related items.
- Reduced NPC Head Tracking: Reduces excessive head tracking for NPCs.
- Hunters Not Bandits: Changes hunter NPC behavior for realism.
- Tales of Skyrim – Berserkyr: Enhances immersion with story and gameplay elements.
- DLC Integration SE: Adds content from 2 main DLCs to all vanilla merchants
- Immersive Laundry – Rigmor of Bruma Patch: Adds immersive laundry assets compatible with Rigmor of Bruma.
- Fluffy Beds and Bedrolls – 3D Furniture Patch: Adds realistic textures for beds and bedrolls.
- Little Library – New Books in Skyrim: Adds a variety of lore-friendly new books.
- Scared of Shootings – NPCs react to aiming bows: NPCs react when you aim a bow at them.
- Better Optimized and Fixed Riften Meshes: Optimizes Riften’s meshes for better performance.
- Vanilla Hair Remake Unlocked – Extended character options – High Poly Head – Expressive Facegen Morphs: Adds more character creation options with high-poly models.
NPCs and Followers
- Interesting NPCs
- Northbourne NPCs of the Rift: NPC overhaul for all Rift citizens (by Southpawe)
- Miggyluv’s Natural Orc Teeth: Improves Orc teeth textures for a natural look.
- Female Bosmer Normal Map Fix: Fixes normal map issues for female Bosmer characters.
- Courageous – SerketHetyt’s Melana Overhaul: Overhauls Melana with a custom look and skills.
- Chatty NPCs and Followers: Adds more dialogue options for NPCs and followers.
- Adventurers of Skyrim: Adds wandering adventurers throughout Skyrim.
- Aurlyn Dawnstone – The Reclusive Philosopher: Adds a custom-voiced follower with rich backstory.
- The Thalmor’s Shadow – Taliesin (Custom Voiced Follower): Introduces a fully custom-voiced Thalmor follower.
- Caryalind Thallery The Aldmeri Prince (Sidekicks of Tamriel – Custom Voice Follower): Adds a custom-voiced Altmer follower.
- Kaidan 2 – Update: Updates the popular Kaidan follower mod.
Modding Tools and Utilities
- Vanilla Folder Structure Cloner SE (VFSC-SE): Utility for managing file structures.
- Extended Bandit Armors SkyPatcher: Compatibility patch for armor mods.
- CC Enemies SkyPatcher: Compatibility patch for CC content.
- How to distributed in SPID document: Provides a guide on distributing mods using SPID.
- Cloth Mannequins for Legacy of the Dragonborn: Adds cloth mannequins for the Legacy of the Dragonborn mod.
- Camera Noise: Adds subtle camera noise for immersion.
- Skyrim Image Collector: Collect and save in-game screenshots easily.
- DMT’s Skyhaven Temple Extreme Restoration (Blades Overhaul): Restores Skyhaven Temple with Blades-related upgrades.
- Skyshards: Implements collectible Skyshards like in ESO.
- Legacy of the Dragonborn – ESO Skyshards Display Patch: Adds ESO Skyshards to LOTD
- zxlice’s ultimate potion animation – ZUPA: Adds immersive potion-drinking animations.
- Fossil Mining: Introduces fossil mining as a new gameplay element.
- Dungeon Level Map (Generator): Generates dungeon maps for exploration.
- Depths of Skyrim – An Underwater Overhaul SE RU: Overhauls underwater environments for exploration.
- Genesis – Dynamically Increased Enemy Spawns and Enhanced Loot: Adds dynamic spawns and loot enhancements.
- ✅Fish Anywhere With Water: Allows fishing in any water source.
- Dragonborn’s Bestiary – DAC0DA: Adds detailed bestiary entries for Skyrim’s creatures.
- Fluffworks Patches: Adds patches for Fluffworks animal textures.
- Dragon Soul Relinquishment: Spend souls on abilities, great for late game.