- ✅Konahrik’s Accoutrements
- Fortune’s Tradehouse
- Luminosity Light Overhaul
- Aela Dialogue expansion
- Serana Dialogue expansion
- Karurawasabi replacers
- Complex Material/Parallax
- D&DG (Dead and Daedric Guardians)
- Immersive Equipment Displays
- Weapon Styles – Draw-Sheathe Animations for IED.
- Missile’s IED Preset – Repositions weapons when you equip a backpack or hiding your unequipped weapons for Go To Bed or Campfire.
- No to Nocturnal
- Quests/New Lands
- Sirenroot – Deluge of Deceit
- Heart of the Reach
- Chain of Time
- Hel Rising
- Maelstrom
- Khajiit Will Follow: 4 fully custom voice acted followers with quests and reactive dialogue. they each have different fighting styles too
- Wetness Effects for Community Shaders.
- Serana Dialog addon
- Follower: 3DNPC
- Combat: Floating Sword MCO
- Armor: Moon Monk Robes
- Enemies: Attacko Daedra Collection 1 & 2
- Boss: Shadow of Mereth
- Master the Summit – revised
- Condui, best spell sword mod i found
- Bard Instrumentals Mostly – Sing Rarely
- RAID Weathers
- Immersive Shadowmarks
- Candlehearth
- ❌Cathedral Armory
- Renthal’s Workbench
- Ultimate Deadly Encounters and Spawns
- Genuinely Intelligent Soul Trap – When you have a grand soul gem with a petty soul in it, if you capture a grand soul it kicks the petty one out into the smallest gem it can and replaces it.
- Tomato’s Slate Mountains
- Riton’s Solitude
- Freak’s Floral Fields
- Edmond’s More Dragon Aspect
- John Skyrim’s retextures
Pretty much all of Verolevi’s combat animations, pick and choose what you like (I personally have all of them except the MCO/Skysa specific mods due to not using MOC or Skysa, and a couple of the magic related ones), these are in my opinion great combat animations for more grounded and realistic combat, and fit better if you want a more vanilla+ combat set up as opposed to the souls-like combat set ups some people prefer.”
- Bijin series (NPCs)
- Serana Reimagined
- Pandorable’s NPCs
- Sothasimp‘s bed cover series.
- Nimwraith original quest mods
- TheLootist original quest mods
- Realistic Ragdoll
- (don’t know name) Mod to remove spin death animations
- ✅Alternate Start
Gameplay Overhauls
- ✅Legacy of the Dragonborn: Adds a museum to display unique items and expands game content .
- Proteus: Allows you to alter characters, swap between them, and modify the game world dynamically.
- ❌Requiem: A roleplaying overhaul that makes the game more challenging and immersive. (Too difficult)
- SimonRim Collection: Modular gameplay overhauls aiming for balance and compatibility.
- ❌Alternate Perspective: Provides a new way to begin your adventure with an alternate start.
- Morrowloot Ultimate: Slows down the discovery of unique items for better immersion.
- ✅Audio Overhaul – More immersive, clear, and impactful soundscape.
- ✅Immersive Sounds – Compendium – Total overhaul of sounds.
City Overhaul Mods
- The Great Cities (TGC): Improves several of Skyrim’s minor cities and towns.
- JK’s Skyrim: Overhauls the major cities to be more detailed and realistic.
- Cities of the North (COTN): Reimagines the architecture of Skyrim’s smaller towns.
- Skyshards: Places collectible skyshards throughout Skyrim; collecting them grants skill points, encouraging exploration.
- Ultimate College of Winterhold: Adds extra rooms in that extra tower
- Ultimate College of Winterhold: ICOW and OCW Patch: For Immersive COW and Obscure’s CoW
Combat Mods
- Valhalla Combat: Enhances combat with parrying and poise mechanics.
- ✅Precision – Accurate Melee Collisions: Fixes melee hitboxes, making dodging/positioning crucial.
- Mortal Enemies: Adjusts enemy AI for fairer combat.
- MCO | ADXP: Framework for custom combat animations.
- For Honor in Skyrim: Adds combat animations inspired by For Honor.
- Wildcat – Combat of Skyrim: Makes combat more deadly and tactical.
- Combat Gameplay Overhaul (CGO): Introduces dodge rolls, grip changes, and animated movement including leaning
- Weapon Reach Fix (Synthesis Patch): Adjusts weapon reach for accurate melee combat when used with mods like Precision.
- Spellsiphon: Expands the magic combat system.
- TK Dodge: Introduces a dodge mechanic.
- SkyValor – Make enemies less spongy.
- First Person Dodge Animations: Adds first-person dodge animations compatible with TK Dodge.
- Animated Armory: Adds new weapon types with unique animations.
- VioLens – A Killmove Mod: Customizes killmoves.
- Dynamic Things – Base Object Swapper: Enhances environmental interactions in combat.
Perk Overhauls
- Vokrii
- Ordinator – Perks of Skyrim: Overhauls the perk system with 400+ new perks. (Enai)
- Vokriinator – Black: Combines Vokrii and Ordinator perk overhauls. Collection here.
Magic Mods
- Apocalypse – Magic of Skyrim: Adds 155 new spells.
- Odin – Skyrim Magic Overhaul: Overhauls the magic system.
- Triumvirate – Mage Archetypes: Adds spells for mage archetypes.
- Kittytail’s Magic Mods: Unique spells like Sonic Magic, Wizard Traversal and Ancient Blood Magic.
- Better Vampires 9.0: Enhances vampire gameplay.
- Sacrosanct – Vampires of Skyrim: Overhauls vampire mechanics.
- Thrallmaker: Allows creation of vampire thralls.
- Useful Alteration: Adds practical Alteration spells.
- Magic Utility: Offers utility spells for convenience.
- Blink – Teleportation Spell: Adds a teleportation spell.
UI Mods
- ✅Compass Navigation Overhaul: Enhances the compass and map.
- ✅Quick Loot RE: Adds a Fallout 4-style loot menu.
- No NPC Greetings: Reduces NPC greeting distance.
- ✅TrueHUD: Customizable HUD replacement.
- ✅Better Third Person Selection: Improves third-person interaction.
Visual and Graphics Mods
- Lux: Overhauls interior lighting.
- ✅Happy Little Trees: Performance-friendly tree replacer.
- Aspens Ablaze: Enhances aspen trees in the Rift.
- ❌Mythical Ages: Weather and lighting overhaul.
- Northern Grass: Adds lush grass landscapes.
- ✅Static Mesh Improvement Mod – SMIM: Improves 3D models.
- Skyland AIO: Landscape texture overhaul.
- ❌Dolomite Weathers: Enhances weather and lighting. (Using NAT III)
- Relighting Skyrim: Fixes lighting placement.
- Luminosity Lighting Overhaul: Adjusts interior lighting.
- Realistic Water Two: Enhances water visuals.
- Spaghetti’s AIO: Collection of visual overhauls to cities. High compatibility.
- ❌Enhanced Lights and FX (ELFX): Improves lighting effects. (Using Lux)
- Bijin NPCs: Enhances female NPC appearances.
- Serana Re-Imagined: Overhauls Serana’s look.
- Pandorable’s NPCs: Improves NPC appearances.
- Xavbio’s Armor Retextures: High-quality armor textures.
- Gamwich’s Rustic Clothing: Clothing retextures.
- Use Those Blankets: Adds visible blankets to sleeping NPCs.
- Sothasimp’s Bed Covers: Bed cover textures.
- Trees of Iduna: Tree overhaul based on spring foliage
Follower Mods
- Nether’s Follower Framework (NFF): Comprehensive follower management.
- Simple Outfit System: Manages follower outfits.
- Amazing Follower Tweaks: Overhauls follower mechanics.
- Inigo: Fully voiced Khajiit follower.
- Xelzaz: Custom-voiced Argonian follower.
- Gore
- Auri
- Remi
- Lucien
- Val Serano
- Kaidan
- Dialogue Expansions for Aela and Serana: Search Nexus for specific mods.
Quest Mods
- ✅The Tools of Kagrenac: Expands Arniel Gane’s quest at the College.
- College of Winterhold Quest Expansion: Adds new College quests.
- Paarthurnax Quest Expansion: Expands options in the Paarthurnax quest.
- JaySerpa’s Quest Expansions: Adds roleplay options.
- Missives: Mission boards in towns.
- Wyrmstooth: New lands and quests.
- ❌Beyond Skyrim – Bruma: Explore Bruma region.
- Vigilant: Dark fantasy quest mod.
- Nimwraith’s Mods: Original quest content.
- TheLootist’s Mods: Adds new quests.
- Ascend – Add 10 hidden peaks to climb.
Immersion Mods
- Lawbringer: Control who rules bandit camps.
- Sleep Tight SE: NPCs sleep at night.
- Go To Bed: Animates the player when sleeping.
- OBIS SE – Organized Bandits In Skyrim: Overhauls bandit encounters.
- Hunterborn: Overhauls hunting mechanics.
- SkyClimb: Adds climbing mechanics.
- Blood and Dirt: Enhances characters with realistic blood and dirt effects.
- Skyshards: Adds collectible skyshards that grant skill points upon collection.
- Tamrielic Culture: Enriches the game world with new items and locations like the Tree of Iduna.
- Convenient Horses: Improves horse mechanics.
- Enhanced World Encounters: Adds more encounters.
- Extended Encounters: Enhances random encounters.
- Radiant: Adds dynamic NPC interactions.
- ✅Security Overhaul SKSE – Lock Variations: Adds lock variety.
Weapon and Armor Mods
- Nord Steelheart Armor: New Nordic armor set.
- Nibenean Armors and Outfits: Imperial-themed armors.
- Immersive Weapons: Adds new weapons.
- Immersive Armors: Adds new armor sets.
- Sons of Skyrim: Overhauls Stormcloak armors.
- New Legion: Overhauls Imperial armors.
Quality of Life Mods
- ✅Better Jumping SE: Jump while sprinting.
- ✅Simple Dual Sheath: Displays both weapons when dual-wielding.
- Point The Way: Adds more road signs.
- SkyTweak: Adjust various game settings.
- Pick Up Radius: Increases item pickup radius.
- Enhanced Invisibility: Fixes invisibility effects.
- Missile’s IED Preset: Preset for Immersive Equipment Displays.
- Better Grabbing: Makes it easier to grab and rotate.
Environment Mods
- Northern Scenery Series: Enhances landscapes with new structures.
- Unmarked Locations Series AIO: Adds 140 new locations.
- Depths of Skyrim – Underwater Overhaul: Improves underwater environments.
- Northern Roads: Overhauls all roadsto make them more interesting and worth traveling on.
- Skyrim Water and Landscape Fixes: Fixes landscape and water glitches.
- Lightened Skyrim: Improves performance. Also a Base Object Swapper edition here.
- Navigator – Navmesh Fixes: Fixes navmesh issues.
Animation Mods
- Attack – ADXP | MCO: No more ice skating during attacks (in 3rd person)
- Attack Behavior Overhaul: Introduces dynamic attack moves and behaviors
- MCO | ADXP Animations: Custom combat animations.
- Verolevi’s Combat Animations: Realistic combat animations.
- First Person Dodge Animations for TK Dodge: First-person dodge animations.
Map Mods
- A Quality World Map: Detailed maps with roads.
- A Clear Map of Skyrim: Simplifies the world map.