Bugfix in DDS Advanced Preview
Big accomplishment today is that I fixed the crash in the MO2 plugin I’ve been working on: DDS Advanced Preview. I shared it with a couple people on Nexus to test. Got some feedback already from @aglowinthefield that the panning is a bit too sensitive.
Why would you keep cleaned master files in an overwrite mod instead of the stock game folder?
Finally started asking the experts why so may Wabbajack modlists keep cleaned master files in an overwrite mod instead of just overwriting the vanilla (uncleaned) masters in the stock game folder. I’ll have to read through everyone’s replies again, but I didn’t see a reason why it would be beneficial. The consensus was “to keep the stock game folder clean,” but since that folder is self contained in the WJ’s MO2 portable instance, I don’t see why it matters. I’ve captured everyone’s comments and I think I’ll ask on r/skyrimmods to see if anyone there has anythign to say about it.
Further testing of Load Order Library MO2 Plugin
- Posted another issue on LOL MO2 Plugin Github
- Replied to bug 13
- Checking Discord first thing I was surprised to see that I had no takers on beta testing my new DDS Preview Updated plugin for MO2.
- Spent an hour and a half this AM updating Excel doc, cross referencing it with MO2
Miscellaneous Actions
- Create a new MO2 Theme called, appropriately, Dii.
- Used 1809 as a base, tried replacing the svg icons from Fluency
- Checkboxes won’t display tick, need to fix that.
- Tried to use Cond Formatting and VBA to highlight active row and colum (because the function that is built into Excel isn’t a strong enough highlight for me), but I gave up.
- Created new separator:
Fixes and Tweaks > Animation Fixes
- Moved
Animation Queue Fix
to it (from the Animation category)
- Moved
- Renamed Excel doc to
Dii Modlist Tracker.xlsm
and saved a backup with the date in the filename. - Updated file structure for Dii Modlist Tracker, now in
Games > Skyrim Modding > _XLS Modlist Tracke
r and addedOld
folders. - Renamed parent separator
(camera and console are under this one)
- Fixes and Tweaks > Engine Fixing
No Silly Physics Damage - Carts Pots Bones etc
- Fixes and Tweaks > Animation Fixes
SMP-NPC Crash Fix
- Fixes and Tweaks > Script Fixes
Bone Wolf Shutdown Fix
Motionless Rocks Killing People Fix - For Player Too
Universal Cured Serana Eye Fix
- Fixes and Tweaks > Genral Fixes
Enhanced Reanimation
Stamina of Steeds
- Fixes and Tweaks > Extended Fixes and Tweaks
Falmer Equip Armor
Quests Are In Skyrim - USSEP
- Interface > Controls
Hotkey Reminder
- Audio and Music > Audio – Clofas Series
Wildwood Echoes
- Gameplay > Quality of Life
Convenient Reading UI - SE
(Shocked more modlists don’t use this.)
- Graphics > Mesh Fixes
Bright Falling Leaves Fix
Unofficial Materials Fix
- Graphics > Food and Ingredients
Kanjs - Nests and Eggs - up to 4k
- Graphics > Clutter
Qwafee Bloody Rags
ElSopa - HD Better Bloody Rags SE
- Base Object Swapper
Diverse Bird's Nests - Base Object Swapper
- Diverse Bloody Rags – Base Object Swapper
Diverse Catches - Base Object Swapper Fish Racks
- Diverse Tanning Racks – Base Object Swapper
- Dynamic Things Alternative – Base Object Swapper
- Random Barrel Roll – Base Object Swapper
- slightly Better Nordic Henges – Base Object Swapper – Parallax
- slightly Better Nordic Henges – Base Object Swapper – SWAP Update
Add to to do list:
Diverse Foods - Base Object Swapper
– Need to installRudy HQ - Miscellaneous SE
before doing this which means I need to install silverware mods before doing this. Check FOMOD.- Do I need
if I useMfgFix NG
below it? Description suggests so but isn’t clear, and I see Wabbajack modlists that only run the NG version. - Watch video comparison later of Simonrim vs Enairim.
- I tried, there was like one.
- Website: Fix inline code colors on mobile (check on desktop too)