This is You have probably all been at a point where you have maxed out Skyrims plugin limit or even went beyond that using MergePlugins and/or ESL flagging (see below) to stuff in all the awesome mods you have found on the Nexus (and perhaps that other site called LL too). But at some point you have encountered random crashes you could not fix. You have had inconsistencies like Unique Region Names only working on certain interiors. You have seen water seams, broken navmeshes, clipping and what ever else a heavily modded Skyrim may throw at you.
Perhaps you have given up at that point, deleted your mods, reinstalled Skyrim and started over again. Just to run into similar problems once that new modlist became bigger.
Perhaps you went back to the Nexus and finally read all the descriptions everyone told you to carefully read before. Perhaps you have spent hours and days digging out all the patches for the mods you use. And perhaps this helped. But more probably you could not fix every issue and just lived with what you have.
Or you asked people and read tutorials and finally loaded up your build in xEdit and checked for conflicts, looking forward to solve all of them to finally get the neat and tidy Skyrim you always wanted. Just to be shocked about a wall of red. It seemed like every single mod was conflicting with all your other mods even tho you have every single patch you have found.
This is the point where post people (including former me) just go Fuck this! I wont spend four hours a day for a month to fix this mess! and forget about that wall of red. Some chosen few might have actually accepted this challenge and fixed and patched all their mods until all conflicts were resolved. Those people are my heroes.
But theres a WAY easier way to do this – The Method!