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  • Developer’s Log: March 2, 2025

    Coming back from a five-week break, I’m taking stock of where Dii is at before deciding where to go from here. Running (the new v0.25) of LOOT I discovered right off the bat that something was amiss. Numerous patches lit up red with ‘This plugin requires “MysticicmMagic.esp” to be installed’ and “This plugin requires ‘Adamant.esp’…

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  • Developer’s Log: January 26, 2025

    General Updates Installations Mod Development MO2 Plugin: Create New Mod Shortcut

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  • Priority Pyramid: Install Order

    Skyrim Modding Priority Pyramid Guide Purpose of This Document This document provides a step-by-step guide for organizing and building a large Skyrim modlist using the Priority Pyramid method. The guide breaks mods into clear categories, explains the purpose of each, and suggests example mods for each step. It is designed to ensure stability, avoid conflicts,…

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