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  • Announcing Dii: A Modlist for the Always Overencumbered

    I first experienced Legacy of the Dragonborn through the Lost Legacy Wabbajack mod list, and I immediately fell in love. Of course I’d heard of it (spend five minutes in any Skyrim modding community and you will), and all I knew was that it had a museum and it was divisive — The people who…

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  • Developer’s Log: January 15, 2025

    Today: Spent all day rebuilding the list – mostly reviewing conflicts and modgrouping, asking questions on xEdit and LotD Discords. Got tired and modgrouped the LOTD CC Patch Wraithguard ToK to the Vault Fix, Vault Fix USCCCP, USCCCP and CC Wraithguard itself. Another is Temper Replicas, which I THINK goes befre all the DBM CC…

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