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  • Adamant, USSEP, and the Investor Perk: A Journey in Conflict Resolution

    The Investor perk allows you to “invest 500 gold with a shopkeeper to increase his available gold permanently,” which is, in addition to being very gender-specific, and not really at all how investment works, is a pretty great perk. Investing 500 gold into a business with the Investor perk immediately increases their current gold by 500. Investing…

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  • Developer’s Log: January 23, 2025

    To do Today Adamant / Legacy of the Dragonborn Conflicts Adamant / Mysticism / USSEP Conflicts Because Adamant is meant to load after Mysticism, it includes the former’s changes and overwrites them when necessary, so we… Adamant also, because Simon Magus doesn’t do USSEP, apparently, doesn’t include USSEP’s changes. This means that my Dii –…

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  • Developer’s Log: January 22, 2025

    General Update General Updates Installed Mysticism – A Magic Overhaul USSEP / Mysticism Conflicts Legacy of the Dragonborn / Mysticism Conflicts dunCrystalDriftCaveStaff “Gadnor’s Staff of Charming” [WEAP:00046E0B] Poor Gadnor. His Staff of Charming shares the same model as 10+ other staffs in the game, some common, some not. LOTD gives him a (slightly improved) unique…

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